Welcome to St. John's UMC

Good Neighbors, Sharing the Good News

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All are welcome here
!  Everyone ~ and we mean everyone ~ can come and belong here. 

  • We proclaim God’s unconditional love and grace that is for everyone. 
  • We celebrate and welcome the diversity of God’s family. 
  • We are open to all who are seeking after God and desire to be in unity with others. 

Worship Opportunities

We strive to offer inspiring and excellent classical traditional worship.  Our choir-led service is filled with stirring music, sermons, stories, and opportunities for spiritual growth all led by our laity and pastoral staff.  We believe anyone attending worship will be stimulated emotionally, physically, and spiritually for the purpose of leading a holistic and faith-filled life.


    Chapel Worship Service

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    Sanctuary Worship Service

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    Online  circlevideoplay

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    Fridays at 1:00 PM on Zoom

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Current Worship Series


8.18 - 9.15.2024

Faith is a common word that gets bandy around in a variety of contexts. For Royals fans, our faith in the team has waned over the past decade. However, this year, the club is playing better and our faith is rebounding. Because of the success of the Chiefs, some of us might have faith in their prospects of making a third straight Super Bowl. We have faith in our sports teams.

In the church, we use the word faith as well. In the letter to the Hebrews, chapter 11, the author says that faith is “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” The Oxford Dictionary defines faith as “complete trust or confidence in someone or something.” Of course, in religious circles, we have faith in God’s love for us that creates, redeems, and sustains us now and in the life yet to come. So how do we demonstrate that we have faith? How is faith expressed beyond mere words? 

Thanks to pastor and author Olu Brown, we will discover the tangibles of faith. As Pastor Brown says, “The goal is to live your faith boldly and accept that when you understand or see your faith, you have it.” Using his structure of the four essential practices of faith, my hope is that we might see our own come alive, be strengthened, or maybe even be renewed ~ Rev. Dr. Jim Hoffman. 


We live in a world that is taxing the core of our very beings.  The negativity and division is palpable.  Despite the political promise of things getting better, the majority believe it has gotten worse.  Claiming the words of God who sits on the eternal throne and John Wesley’s historic questions, we reclaim the idea that God is at work now making all things new now!  This is not simply something from an ethereal future.  Rather it is God’s work today!


I am encouraged by the prospect of us focusing on God’s transforming power.  We will discover how God is making new our attitude, spirit, purpose, and vision.  I encourage you to invite a friend to come and share in our time of worship and learning.  We are not the only ones who need to hear how God is making all things new.- Rev. Dr. Jim Hoffman

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Upcoming Events

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