In a world that is divided along so many lines – political, ethnic, cultural, and more, is there anything or anyone that can unite us? None of us are oppressed. We are not people disposed of our land, possessions, or wealth. We are not under the threat of war and occupation. Yet, many of us carry burdens, stress, and anxiety over our lives and the world. We resonate with God’s people who longed for the “expected one” to come and deliver them. They needed the “promised one” to appear and give them hope. They needed the “wonderful counselor” to talk them off the proverbial ledge. They needed the true “Son of the Most High” to come and liberate them because they could not win their own freedom from their sins. They wanted to know that the “Everlasting God” was still with them, still loved them, and still cared about their situation. I am under the strong impression that this is still true for many people today. The season of Advent is a time of waiting and preparation. During this season we will take time to once again celebrate the long expected on who has come for us as well.- Rev. Dr. Jim Hoffman
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