Baby Grace Diaper Distribution
Sat, Jun 10th 2pm - 4pm
Trinity UMC 620 E Armour Blvd Kansas City, MO 64109

Every child, regardless of the circumstances that brought them into the world, deserves unconditional love and grace. Baby Grace was founded at Buckner United Methodist Church in 2006 in order to offer support and diapers to families in need. In 2012, St. John's United Methodist church brought this program to midtown Kansas City. In 2021, we moved to Trinity UMC. Families who are part of government assistance programs cannot use funds from any of these programs to purchase disposable diapers. If their child is in any type of day care the child must be in disposable diapers. Baby Grace Kansas City provides free diapers to these families, to benefit the health of the child, and well being of the entire family. Baby Grace Kansas City assists nearly 250 area children each year, helping their families meet their diaper need. Donations can be dropped off 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at St. John’s UMC. Donations can also be dropped off during our monthly events (on the second Saturday of each month between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM) at Trinity United Methodist Church, 620 E Armour Blvd, KC, MO 64109.