Come Thou Long Expected

Advent / Christmas Worship Series

In a world that is divided along so many lines – political, ethnic, cultural, and more, is there anything or anyone that can unite us?  None of us are oppressed.  We are not people disposed of our land, possessions, or wealth.  We are not under the threat of war and occupation.  Yet, many of us carry burdens, stress, and anxiety over our lives and the world.  We resonate with God’s people who longed for the “expected one” to come and deliver them.  They needed the “promised one” to appear and give them hope.  They needed the “wonderful counselor” to talk them off the proverbial ledge.  They needed the true “Son of the Most High” to come and liberate them because they could not win their own freedom from their sins.  They wanted to know that the “Everlasting God” was still with them, still loved them, and still cared about their situation.  I am under the strong impression that this is still true for many people today.  The season of Advent is a time of waiting and preparation.  During this season we will take time to once again celebrate the long expected one who has come for us as well.

Christmas Poinsettia Dedication

If you would like to dedicate a poinsettia, “in honor or memory of someone” this Christmas, click the link below to fill out an order form. Each plant is $20 and orders are due by Dec. 16. You may pick up your poinsettia(s) after the 6:00 PM service on Christmas Eve, December 24, or from the church on Thursday, December 26th.  

Order your poinsettia here! circlerightarrow

Advent/Christmas Offerings

March to the Manger will be on Sunday, December 22, 2024. You can choose to support several different mission, service, and justice ministries such as Baby Grace, Neighbor2Neighbor, or Harvesters. If you would prefer, you could also give a special gift to support our music ministry or family ministries.

Christmas Eve Offering will support our Baby Grace diaper ministry. For the past couple of years we have given out near or over 100,000 diapers plus other donated goods. The cost is significant and it is through your generosity that we are able to sustain this mission to spread Christ’s love.

Coins in the offering plate are used to support our covenant with the churches in Mozambique. Your lose coins provide pastoral support, community development, and water-well projects. Please know that your paper dollar bills all go toward our general offering unless placed in an envelope and marked otherwise.

It is only through your rich and extravagant generosity that our mission, service, and justice ministries continue to have meaningful impact on our community and world. We are truly grateful for your rich and loving generosity. Thank you.

Baby Grace of Kansas City

Angel Tree

Advent and Christmas are the seasons of love and generosity. As you plan your special giving this season, we invite you to contribute a special financial gift to Baby Grace of Kansas City. Baby Grace is a diaper panty and clothes closet providing free diapers, baby wipes, and clothing to families living in poverty. The mission of Baby Grace is to share God’s love and grace by offering material, emotional, and spiritual support to the Baby Grace families with young children.

The Tuesday morning Bible Study challenges each of you to be a Baby Grace Angel by selecting an Angel from the Christmas Tree in the Rotunda. Everyone can be an Angel! Just take an angel from the tree, selecting a monetary value that fits your budget or determining what you choose to contribute. No donation is too small, and any size donation will go directly to our families and their children to help meet their needs…let your compassionate heart for children and struggling families be your guide.

Please make out your checks to St. John’s UMC and add “Baby Grace Angel Tree” to the memo line. If you place cash in an offering envelope, please make sure and indicate on the outside of the envelope your gift to Baby Grace. Donations can also be made by clicking "MAKE A DONATION" below. Choose the Missions/Baby Grace Fund. 

As always, thank you for your faithfulness and your extravagant generosity to those in need. God’s richest blessings during this Advent and Christmas season.

Upcoming Events

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